United in promoting traditional American values

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Welcome to Republican Caller

Republican Caller is here to provide context and breaking news coverage on issues and themes critical to the lives, safety, and values of conservative Americans today. Modern American life is busy: you have obligations like family, work, and faith. Republican Caller fits in to fill the gaps when it comes to conservative topics, the latest news, and analysis.

The liberal agenda and the way the liberal media distorts facts are big problems in society today. That’s why Republican Caller is here – to offer you a shortcut to the truth.

Patriots Uniting with Purpose

As modern patriots, conservative Americans share many common values. We want to protect our communities, our homes, and our property. We want to work together with local law enforcement officers to keep our communities safe — not slander them in the media. Republican Caller is here to support that purpose with Breaking News and Patriot Daily — our categories offering frequent updates on conservative values and the news affecting the lives of Americans with traditional values.

At Republican Caller, our mission is to bring you the news and analysis you need to make decisions in your daily life and at the voting booth without the insidious liberal spin and bias you’ll find in mainstream media today.

About Republican Caller

Meet the Republican Caller Team

Everyone here shares the same set of core values. We understand the mindset of the conservative American – the patriots who respect law enforcement while working hard to protect their property, families, and homes. Each member of our team shows support for this purpose by digging deep to make sure the stories we publish in our Breaking News and Patriot Daily categories are in alignment with our traditional values.

Our conservative writers may share common beliefs and values, but they also work with a high level of journalistic integrity. Our commitment to defending the rights afforded to us by the Constitution is what allows us to stand united. Each of our team members is dedicated to supporting your right to bear arms, protecting your freedom of speech, and so much more – all in a way that gives you factual, unbiased information.

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The Republican Caller Editorial Policy

Our editorial policy is based on four critical points.

Above all else, transparency. Our team promises to work transparently – disclosing conflicts of interest, political or corporate affiliations, and even our sources, as appropriate. We believe you should have access to any and all of the information that matters to you.

We are unbiased in our reporting. While we are conservatives, we believe the news should be unbiased and serve as a fair and impartial representation of the facts. We support diversity, but don’t tolerate favoritism from our writers or editors.

Our content is always verified and fact-checked. The team is responsible for making sure what we publish is accurate and fair. We rely on only the most credible resources.

We believe in our Constitutional rights. We share your values. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, your right to bear arms, and the fundamental right to life are just the beginning. What we report on aligns with these values and always will.

Republican Caller Editorial Policy