About Us

Republican Caller is here to provide context and breaking news coverage on issues and themes critical to the lives, safety, and values of conservative Americans today. Modern American life is busy: you have obligations like family, work, and faith. Republican Caller fits in to fill the gaps when it comes to conservative topics, the latest news, and analysis.

The liberal agenda and the way the liberal media distorts facts are big problems in society today. That’s why Republican Caller is here – to offer you a shortcut to the truth.

Patriots Uniting with Purpose

As modern patriots, conservative Americans share many common values. We want to protect our communities, our homes, and our property. We want to work together with local law enforcement officers to keep our communities safe — not slander them in the media. Republican Caller is here to support that purpose with Breaking News and Patriot Daily — our categories offering frequent updates on conservative values and the news affecting the lives of Americans with traditional values.

At Republican Caller, our mission is to bring you the news and analysis you need to make decisions in your daily life and at the voting booth without the insidious liberal spin and bias you’ll find in mainstream media today.

Fair, Honest, and Ethical Reporting

Our conservative writers share your values. Our team may have different perspectives, but they share the values held by American conservatives. Our writers and editors believe in supporting and defending our Constitutional rights and freedoms: the right to bear arms, the right to speak and worship freely, and the right to life. You won’t find liberal bias here: you’ll find like minds willing to support you on your daily journey.

Regular Breaking News

When something happens that affects your daily life or restricts your choices, freedom, and faith, it’s important that you know right away. Frequent updates from Breaking News accomplishes this, ensuring busy Americans with traditional values get alerts about right to life issues, legislation restricting gun ownership, and more. Republican Caller is here to support you with Breaking News during your busy day.

Featured Patriot Daily Pieces

Republican Caller provides context to the Patriot Daily pieces you receive. Learn about key issues like the history of the right to life movement, the erosion of Second Amendment rights, and more. Here, you’ll get context on why states’ rights are critical to the success of our nation, how to support the men and women in uniform at home and abroad, and more — without the liberal bias presented in mainstream media.

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Republican Caller

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