Politico Criticizes WhatsApp For Lack Of Election Speech Rules

Politico has voiced concerns over WhatsApp Channels’ absence of specific policies to control election-related misinformation. The report, citing lawmakers and disinformation experts, highlighted potential risks in an election year when nearly half the world is voting. Unlike its sister platforms Facebook, Instagram, and Threads, WhatsApp, owned by Meta, lacks strict rules against election misinformation.

Meta’s platforms have previously censored content deemed likely to disrupt political processes. This has sometimes included true information, such as the New York Post’s report on Hunter Biden’s laptop. With FBI backing, Facebook treated this story as potentially misleading, despite its accuracy.

Politico suggests that, in the absence of strong federal regulations, Big Tech must manage election speech. The article includes comments from Rep. Adam Schiff, who urged WhatsApp Channels to enforce censorship to safeguard democratic processes worldwide. Rep. Bennie Thompson, former chairman of the Jan. 6 committee, also called on Meta to establish and enforce rules to protect election integrity and public trust.

WhatsApp partners with over 50 fact-checking organizations and has the power to remove content and revoke accounts that violate its guidelines. However, Politico argues these measures are insufficient. The platform’s current efforts do not adequately prevent the spread of election misinformation, posing a threat to democratic processes.