NYC Mayor Adams Calls For Modification To Sanctuary Laws

At a Town Hall that took place on Monday night, New York City Mayor Adam Erics began to back away from the sanctuary city laws that he once vehemently defended against critics after the city slowly descended into chaos from the tens of thousands of migrants.

The politician is now arguing for the deportation of migrants who break the law within the city, stating “Those small numbers that have committed crimes, we need to modify the sanctuary city law that if you commit a felony or violent act we should be able to turn you over to ICE and have you deported.”

The idea which once would have upset liberals in the Big Apple was met with applause from the crowd at the Town Hall, all seemingly sharing the same concern.

Adams then went on to claim that his hands were tied when dealing with the buses being sent to the city and the inability to provide the new illegals with working jobs, blaming “federal law” for the issue. He also claimed that the handling of the issue by the city is like “no other city” in the nation, claiming that New York City has done the best.

“So I am inheriting a national crisis that I have to resolve and we are resolving that crisis like no other city, folks,” he said. “Go Google other cities. You don’t see tent cities in New York. You don’t see children and families sleeping on the street in New York. This team here has managed the crisis each time they come.”

While the Big Apple Mayor claimed that the city is doing better than any other, constant stories are hitting the media showing just the opposite. The day after this Town Hall, a story came out that dozens of migrants were illegally occupying a Queens furniture store. The owner of the store stated that he was sheltering them there out of sympathy as they would have been kicked out of their shelters.

A week before the meeting, a group of migrants hosted a pseudo-fight club with onlookers cheering them on in broad daylight. The event supposedly had been taking place for at least a month before any police action took place.

So while Adams may claim that his team is managing the crisis like “no other city,” the evidence seems to point out that New York City is continuing to be thrown into chaos by the thousands of illegals occupying the city.