Microsoft And Others Practice DEI Discrimination Against Whites

Microsoft appears to be breaking federal law with impunity, as their Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) policy indicates they are paying White employees less for the same job and seniority level as non-Whites. They are not alone, as other prominent companies have similar discriminatory practices in place regarding pay, hiring, and promotion.

The label “White privilege” seems to be dated by several decades — or perhaps a century or so. If earning $1 for every $1.007 earned by non-Whites for the same job and experience level is a “privilege”, then Microsoft puts Whites in a very favored category.

Any accusations of “right-wing conspiracy” are belied by this very direct statement from Microsoft’s own D&I report: “All racial and ethnic minority groups who are rewards eligible combined earn $1.007 total pay for every $1.000 earned by US rewards-eligible white employees with the same job title and level and considering tenure.”

Beyond compensation, Microsoft’s working environment is highly politicized. Ashok Kuppusamy, Corporate Vice President for the Microsoft 365 product speaks in the D&I document about “preventing misgendering.” He goes on to state that “The impact of misgendering is well-documented…”

Other prominent companies have very visibly embraced similar discriminatory practices. Entertainment giant Disney is facing a federal lawsuit for their practices. The foundation America First Legal is representing employees who have been victims of Disney’s policies. They allege in a press release that the company has been “intentionally discriminating against white American men, Christians, and Jews simply because of their race, sex, religion, and citizenship.”

Disney’s DEI directives were recently exposed by Elon Musk, owner of social media platform X and rumored to be connected to an investor group with designs on taking over the Disney board.

D&I practices — more commonly known as “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) — are based historically on the notion that Whites have been “colonizers” and “oppressors” for centuries. Slavery is often cited as proof of this, as are later discriminatory practices such as “Jim Crow” laws in the southern United States.

DEI policies are viewed by those who lean left as redress, an overcompensation to atone for past White sins. Many others would argue that DEI runs counter to a principle many consider universal, namely “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” DEI indeed purports to solve the problem of racism with more racism.